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What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning ‘finger pressure’ and is a bodywork therapy, which developed from Tuina, a hands-on way to treat the body within the framework of Chinese Medicine. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare identifies that ‘Shiatsu therapy is a form of manipulation administered by thumbs, fingers and palms, without the use of any instrument, mechanical or otherwise, to apply pressure to the human skin, to correct internal malfunctioning, promote and maintain health and treat specific diseases’.

Treatments are carried may be carried out sitting, lying on a treatment couch, or lying on a futon on the floor. The practitioner uses a combination of gentle stretching, rocking and joint-opening movements to release tension and to facilitate the free flow of energy around the body. The practitioner then uses thumbs, fingers, palms or elbows to apply pressure to points along energy channels, which are also used in Acupuncture, with the aim of releasing blocks and tension and restoring the free flow of energy around the body.

What to expect when you come for treatment

What will happen?

Your initial visit will take up to an hour and a half and consists of a personal and medical consultation covering your family history, lifestyle, systems functions (eg. sleep, appetite) and full details of your current complaint/s and any test or investigations that you have had.

You will also have the opportunity to discuss in complete confidence any concerns or troubles you may currently be dealing with.

After your consultation I will carry out a number of short, non-invasive physical diagnostic tests including blood pressure, temperature distribution and pulse taking. In most cases, aside from the most complex, this is then followed by your first treatment.

Subsequent appointments take up to one hour, and include discussion of your progress and your treatment to date.

Is Shiatsu safe in pregnancy?

Yes. Adjustments to treatment positions will be made so that you always feel safe and well throughout the treatment. A small number of points are contra-indicated in pregnancy and safe points are added, which support aspects of pregnancy, which are individual to the person attending.

For more information please call 07504 224 644, or contact us via the form below: